Wednesday 29 February 2012

Post Production

Task 1
Post production for the AS product. Changes made after the first draft.
  • I edited the front cover, contexts page and double page spread all on photoshop.
  • Coming up with the colour palette that compliments the artist's clothing.
  • Changing the use of fonts through development to match the genre.
  • Adjusted the layout after the first draft - had an option of three.
  • Editing the photo's on photoshop to make them professional was something I continued to improve right up until the final product as magazines much have no blemishes.
  • Considering the preliminary magazine, my development of layout, photo's, fonts, colour pallete, but also my skills of using photoshop have developed in terms of adapting to it better, using more of it's features.
  • Coming up with a magazine publisher logo.
  • Improving the quality of the magazine - getting rid of blurs by using sharpening tool on photoshop.
  • I also created progress posts of how I've improved each of the three pages.
  • Also created a Single CD cover to put on the double page spread as it's a common feature on existing ones I looked at.
Post production for the A2 product. Changes made after the first draft.
  • For the first draft I used Premier to edit and also planned to use after effects for the final draft. However I then went on to use iMovie to edit the video which I did find difficult as I'd never used a Mac, let alone iMovie before.
  • In terms of how I manipulated the video, I edited the shots brightness, contrast, colour, speed, cuting and matching the singing with the music. I also made shots in sync, slow motion, backwards play etc which was quite easy to do.
  • Considering the ancillary products I developed them in terms of changing the photo's used, the brightness, contrast, blur tool etc all on Photoshop.
How my skills progressed

In terms of my skills progressing from AS to A2, the focus on Photoshop has developed my skills greatly as I have adapted to the program and can express my skills on it. In AS I was able to adapt to Photoshop quickly and these skills have been transferred into A2 when considering the ancillary products. I was not only able to apply my existing skills to the ancilliary products but I was also able to advance my skills as I felt a lot more confident using it, therefore completed the tasks quickly.

On the other hand, in AS we were not presented much of the techniques that are involved in video making, therefore when it came to A2, I was at a disadvantage due to never having made or edited a video before. The programs were slightly more difficult to adapt quickly to in terms of editing the video and the whole project was a lot more prolonged than that in AS. However I feel that if I could have another go at creating an idea, an artist, and filming and editing a video, my skills of progression would be presented clearly as to me, the A2 video was more of a 'first attempt'.


Comparing the presentation of my evaluations from AS to A2, the technologies I used have changed. Part of this is due to my skills of using such technologies has improved as I am more knowledgable of what technologies there is to use. Being in such a position makes you better prepared and more confident in using new technologies due to now having the skills of quiclly adapting to new technologies. I feel better able to express my work through technologies and this is noticable through what I used for my evaluations. For example, Wix, Scribd, iMovie and Photoshop.

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