Wednesday 8 February 2012

Creativity Theories

"A process needed for problem solving...not a special gift enjoyed by a few but a common ability possessed by most people" (Jones 1993).
In this theory creativity is described as something that is used by any person making a decision or overcoming a problem. I agree with this theory because any person is being creative by making a decision and overcoming a problem which is what we are all faced in every day situations.

"The making of the new and the re arranging of the old" (Bentley 1997).
I think that in this theory, creativity is described as something that already already exists, being re-arranged into something new. I agree with this in some extent as in reality, everyone copies something to use as an idea, however we then use our own creativity to apply this 'original' idea to our own to create something new.

"Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation" (Csikszentmihalyi 1996).
I feel this theory applies to the rules we had when creating the coursework, where we then brought originality to it and then had it marked. I don't feel this theory actually 'makes' us creative; however in some concepts it acts as a guide for us to be creative.

"There is no absolute judgement (on creativity). All judgements are comparisons of one thing with another" (Donald Laming).
I agree with this theory as I feel it means that no one is actually being creative by using originality and that every work is similar due to this. The creativity can't be judged effectively because you are just comparing it with other creativity and there isn't an original guide.

"Technology has taken all the creativity out of media production".
I feel this theory applies generally more to magazines etc as they are produced through the use of technology and are merely copies of other magazines. However in some ways I disagree with this theory as technology can also be beneficial in helping and improving peoples 'creativity', allowing them to present their 'creativity' in more 'creative' ways.

"A project that is too well planned lacks opportunities for spontaneity and creativity'.
This theory is implying that creativity is limited if a project is already planned, suggesting that creativity is a matter of a process of trial and error. I disagree with this in some ways as creativity can be guided when there's a planned project, however creativity can be inspired by working through a project as you start to build ideas; therefore suggesting that a planned project isn't also necessary.

"Media producers can learn nothing from studying the conventions of old texts".
This quote is very clear in what it means, however I disagree with this as creativity can be inspired through looking at older texts. However this quote may also suggest that Media producers are not being creative by looking at the conventions of older texts, therefore they learn nothing and it is not necessary to study them.

The creating of bringing something new into existence -"this is particular understanding of creativity involves the physical making of something, leading to some form of communication, expression or revelation. (David Gauntlett).
This quote suggests that you think of something, and then make it and bring it into reality. I agree with this because when you come up with an idea, you make it, which is all use of you're own creativity.

"If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users" (Banaji, Burn and Buckingham, 2006).
This quote suggests that the technological advances have benefited people in terms of them using their creativity, allowing people to express more creativity at a higher standard, which is in turn, allowing us to be more creative. I agree with this quote as technology allows us to express our creativity in more advanced, newer ways.

Two quotes I agree with
  • "If creativity is not inherent in human mental powers and is, in fact, social and situational, then technological developments may well be linked to advances in the creativity of individual users" (Banaji, Burn and Buckingham, 2006).I feel that my creativity benefited from the uses of technology, for example the use of photoshop in making my magazine allowed me to express my creativity in a professional format. As well as this throughout both AS and A2 coursework, the uses of technology enabled me to express research, questions and developments in clear and advanced ways which therefore developed my own personal skills.
  • "The making of the new and the re arranging of the old" (Bentley 1997).I agree with this because everyone copies or 'look's at something to use as an idea, however we then use our own creativity because we apply our idea to the inspiration or guide from an already existent idea to make something new. This applies to the magazine coursework in AS, where we looked at other magazines for an idea of conventions such as layout and key features of magazines. We didn't directly copy the magazines, as we used them merely as a guide to apply our idea too. 
Two quotes I disagree with
  • "Creativity results from the interaction of a system composed of three elements: a culture that contains symbolic rules, a person who brings novelty into the symbolic domain and a field of experts who recognise and validate the innovation" (Csikszentmihalyi 1996).
    Even though this theory is similar to the guides we had when creating coursework, I do disagree with it. The 'system' doesn't actually 'make' us creative as we come up with our own ideas, for example in the AS coursework, I came up with my own artist, magazine name and the interview in it.
  • "Technology has taken all the creativity out of media production".I disagree with this theory because technology has been beneficial to me in advancing my 'creativity' by expressing it in more creative ways. For example on the blogs we used programs such as scribd, animoto, animatic as some examples.

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