Tuesday 7 February 2012

Applying theory to IB

  • Fiske 'semic code'
  • Levi Strauss 'Bricolage' = A collage of random elements - taking existing elements and adding new ones to them
  • Genette
  • Derrida
making sense of what we see on screen, according to Fiske -basing all our film experiences on other films we've seen, not reality.
  • We have never experienced war - however we recognise IB as a war film because of all the other war films we've seen
  • IB isn't really a war film
  • If experienced in reality we would make sense of it by turning it into another text e.g. 9/11 attacks were 'like a film' when described by people
  • Cultural knowledge of the concept 'war film' - uniforms, Hitler, Churchill, setting (France/Paris 1940s), soldiers, weapons and the daring mission/battle. This shows it's a war film, therefore we then won't find it necessary to look at intertextual references.
IB has lots of 'debris' from other texts.
Directors construct texts by the process of Addition, Deletion, Substitution and Transposition (Transformation).

  • Battleship potenkim
  • Bowie
  • Sound of Music film
  • Spaghetti Western (music, framing)
  • Gw Palst/Rieferstahl (German Directors)
  • Blaxploitation
  • Mexican stand off
  • Western
  • Dirty Dozen/Magnificent Seven
  • Other War films e.g. Where Eagles Dare
  • History (War ends differently)
  • Taken out war elements for example, no major battles, no emotion, the fear in scene where the woman gets shot as there's romantic music playing, journey, no major shooting, human frailty.
  • Tarantino's own style e.g. yellow text
Transposition (Transformation)
  • Bowie
  • The searchers
  • Fairytale
  • Blaxploitation

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