Sunday 26 February 2012

Organisation of planning materials

How did you organise your planning materials? Did you utilise the blog more at A2 level than at AS?  How did you follow your flat plans and storyboards - what did you understand about changed to be made? Did all members have copies of production schedules and storyboards? Did you complete diaries and/or 'progression so far' posts? Why was this important in terms of planning both pieces of coursework? Have you used any of the research and planning skills in other products?

Before it came to filming we prepared a storyboard and an animatic to act as guide to filming. We chose to do each camera shot on sticky notes so that we could look at them as a whole to give us an idea of how to plan the filming. Additionally I created a table of each shot so that I was aware of which location consisted of the most shots to again help plan the filming. As a team, we planned out the outfits, props, times and dates and these were written out and each member was made aware of these. Having an organised plan/checklist enabled us to be prepared for each day of filming.

Considering the blog work, there was obviously a lot more posts than that of AS due to the work being much more. However because the project in A2 was more practical i.e. mainly filming, more time was spent on creating the main task rather than posting on the blog. In AS I know that I did at least a post a day. However aside from this, I still spent a lot of time ensuring that everything was posted onto the blog and the development of the project was clear.

In terms of the story board we had a choice of three to follow from. The animatic, the sticky notes or the drawn and written out version. We chose to take the paper copy of the drawn and written out version which allowed us to tick off the shots we had filmed. This was the most clearer version as the shots weren't just labelled as numbers, they also had pictures which helped our artist understand more about what she was meant to be doing. Due to having so many shots and having to overcome circumstances we had to cut out a location, meaning that we had a lot less shots to film. This didn't prove a huge difficulty as we just took similar (but less) shots in either the studio or lake location. Each person had a copy or access (via blog) to the production schedule and storyboard and everyone was familiar with what needed to be achieved. I also continuously communicated with Eve about the blog so she was aware of how her artist was being developed, giving her a better idea and helping her be better prepared when it came to filming.

As mentioned in the second paragraph both Katy and I kept updating the blog with filming, what had been done, any problems etc. This was important as it made the person reading it aware of what problems we had, how we overcame them, what changes we made and why, in both pieces of coursework. It also made the reader aware of how I've developed from pre to post production.

As research and planning was such a major part in both AS and A2 products, it's made me more aware of what benefits can come from this and has advanced my skills in both research and planning. I feel I can apply what I've to most tasks I come across now as it comes merely as a second nature and it helps me develop a successful outcome. Beforehand I never used to plan ahead and usually went straight into something once having an idea, however by planning it out it allows more ideas, more creativity and more skills to be put into a piece of work, therefore helping to make me more successful.

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