Sunday 26 February 2012

Organisation of Research

What skills did you learn about organising and referencing materials? How did your skills of organisation develop from AS to A2?

Both AS and A2 was orientated around Blogger. By organising research on blogger and with the additional usage of labels it became easier to reference back to it. By again using it in A2 I was able to use it more efficiently, saving time. The same thing applied to all aspects of the development of the project as many of my skills have advanced over the years through using many sources and programs to present my research. As well as this the way I presented work in a professional way had also advanced when introduced to new technology, again projecting skills of organisation of work. From AS to A2 it became more natural to reference materials as I'd gotten so used to doing it and this therefore, made it easy to apply to when writing up work in evaluations etc. Referencing also helped in organising as I was aware of what I had already looked at, what it presented and what further research I possibly need to conduct.

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