Sunday 26 February 2012

How your Research and Planning has informed your practical production

  • How did your research into genre contribute to your production work? 
  • How did your research into audience contribute to your production work?
  • How did you research into institutions responsible for the production and regulation of the media influence your production work?
  • What pre-production planning techniques did you employ and how effective was your planning - how did it help you in the production phase?
  • What did you learn from planning your first production that helped you to improve your planning for the second?
  • How did you use audience feedback to influence your production work while it was in progress?

As I had chosen to continue to use my artist from AS, the genre had already been shaped and I was already aware of what kind of music video would be effective to convey her genre. However I did choose to slightly develop her in terms of choosing a more dance genre song, therefore researched videos with similar genres to get ideas. By doing so inspired me creatively and ensured I was aiming for the correct outcome for the video.

Throughout the research I ensured I had conducted enough target audience research as it is them who make a music video successful or unsuccessful. I had to make sure I was satisfying them in terms of style of my artist and music, making my artist admirable. Without conducting such research I wouldn't have been able to shape my idea in terms of getting ideas and opinions or be able to ensure that my work was aiming at them.

Researching institutions gave me an idea of work is professional, allowing me to have something to aim to. Even though my video isn't a real one, I was able to create a successful video in terms of meeting standards. I could base and refer my product to real life products enabling me to improve my own.

Planning techniques I employed were making things such as schedules, which were regularly updated, creating storyboards, doing drafts, prop lists and so on. Without planning and communicating with each team member, deadlines would not have been met, and nobody would be prepared for when it came to filming or doing photoshoots. 

By planning I learnt that doing so makes you better prepared for any decisions to change production. As well as this it makes you better able to make changes and adapt to them quickly and efficiently.

It is vital that audience feedback is taken into account continuously throughout the production as much of the research is orientated around them. Without referring to them you may not meet their needs and therefore not create a successful video. With this in mind, I ensured that I referred back to the research I conducted of my target audience and also ensured I received feedback continuously throughout production as their opinions are greatly valued. It also helped me create a professional video that aspired to them.

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