Sunday 26 February 2012

Organisation of time, personal and equipment

Did you complete on time? Did you meet deadlines? What are the pros and cons of organising personnel? What have you learned about communication between personal? Did your knowledge of production schedules grow? What could you have done better? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Over both years I felt I was able to complete all my work on time and part of this was due to having the work scheduled out at the beginning of the year with deadlines for each section of the work. In A2 the intensity and amount of work was a lot more than AS, therefore felt it necessary to begin research and planning in the summer before coming back to school. In the long term this benefited as I already had an idea shaped and a plan set out for when I returned to school. The only draw backs in A2 was that I was inexperienced in filming, therefore felt the pressure of deadlines a lot more than in AS. A second draw back was having to work in a team. Although working in a team is beneficial in terms of ideas, creativity and planning; the reliability of others proved disappointing and therefore made time a lot more limited due to circumstances out of my control.

The pros of organising personnel is that each person had their own responsibility and tasks which made it easier to complete them as the work intensity was greater in A2. We were also able to rely on each other to complete the given tasks. The cons of organising personnel is the distance between each team member made it difficult to meet up and get to the shooting location which proved a draw back when trying to complete filming.

What I have learned about communication between personnel is that in order for communication to be effective you have to ensure that everyone is complying with the task and  that you are actually working as a team. This includes having conversations and planning with everyone and not doing it individually.  By including everyone it inspires more ideas and more motivation and this was applied in my work. As a team we were able to plan and also create more ideas. As it was difficult to meet up regularly, I ensured that everyone had the information and a list of things prior the video/photo shooting. Additionally before and after shooting we sat and planned ahead, created lists and made new ideas which were beneficial.

My knowledge of production schedules grew over the two years and this is portrayed through the extra planning input I put into A2 due to the work being a lot more than in AS. As well as a set schedule at the beginning of the year, I also made schedules regarding the shoots, the prop lists, the times, dates and location and this proved successful in getting filming completed. 

I feel that due to being let down so many times during the filming process I should've planned to film a lot earlier in case such circumstances did arise. This would ensure that I had more time to complete filming.

I feel my strengths are organising my work and also the team. I feel these skills benefited a lot in A2 as the work was more intense and therefore completing the work was vital. Also, I feel my balancing of tasks is also a strength as I was able to complete filming and the ancillary products on time. A weakness would be not having additional plans for any circumstances effecting my work as I felt un prepared when certain circumstances prolonged filming, leaving me a little rushed to finish.

What did you learn about individual and team work? What are the pros and cons? What main things have you learned about group work at AS and A2 in terms of planning your product?

In AS I enjoyed working individually as I could express and develop my own ideas into something and this gave me self motivation as I knew at the time that I was developing my own skills and creativity. In A2, working in a team helped massively in terms of sharing the pressure as I am the kind of person to get overly stressed; therefore having the support from team members motivated me further. 

Being able to plan and designate areas of the work helped with organisation and allowed each areas of the work to be done at the best possible standard as each individual wasn't over whelmed with ALL of the work. The downside is that it is difficult to withdraw yourself from taking over the group; however the availability of being able to share ideas helped with shaping the whole idea.

The main things I have learnt in regards to planning the product is that everyone can help each other in creating and shaping an idea and along the process they can help with improving ideas along the way. Without the feedback from others, an individuals idea may not be to their best ability and I have learned that the encouragement from others can self motivate and help you achieve your best potential.

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