Monday 6 February 2012

Inglorious Bastards - The projection Box Scene

  • Frederick & Shoshanna
  • Costume, music, effects
-The music in this scene makes it sound like something dramatic is going to happen as Frederick walks to the film. The music also sounds like it's from a war film and is building up to something e.g. someone about to be killed or some sort of action is going to take place. Normally the 'action' will follow this type of usic however when she opens the door - the music stops. Then when something does happen there is no music.
-There is also guitar music before the girl gets shot - this getgs louder when she gets shot. The slow motion effect emphasises the scene and adds a romance to it - for example she shoots him and then looks at him on the film and feels bad, so she checks him - and she gets killed by him. The slow motion also emphasises how she was a main character all from the start. HOWEVER, you would think that she'd survive to SEE her revenge but she doesn't. Her death seems less brutal and more peaceful as she looks at him - suggest a romantic element to the couple?
-The romance music in the death scene is an example of contrapuntal music as the means are against the point.

-Costume (designed by Hugo Boss) in the scene is a typical red dress for the girl dieing. This connotes bad, romance, death, blood, danger and sex. Frederick is in white uniform which juxtaposes the idea of angelic, OR it may suggest that Frederick was 'in between'. White connotes pure, inocent, hope and good.

Frederick Zoller

- Powerful man, and he uses it to get the girl to like him.
  • A nice man
  • Up himself
  • A bit of a lothario
  • Nazi (by association/angry/temper) - therefore I wasn't shocked when he got mad at the girl.
  • Has to compose himself a lot  - during the killing and after
  • Unassuming - schizophrenic
  • Sociopath - just out for yourself (no empathy for other people)

-when smoke on cinema screen
  1. Wizard of Oz reference?
  2. Wicked witch in the smoke?
The ending
  • Brad Pitt still looks emaculate - white jacket, hair isn't out of place, moustache is still perfect - hyper real ( not reality )
  • Ending fits with personality of the character.

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