Sunday 26 February 2012

Planning - Pre-Production Requirements


In AS we were required to produce printed drafts of a magazine front cover, contents and double page spread. These were important as it allowed us to see our skills first hand and made us aware of how these skills could be developed further so that we could reach are desired grade from the work. For me it enabled me to come up with more ideas which is when I created a CD cover as well to go on the double page spread. It also highlighted what areas of improvement are needed in terms of getting the right layout, font, conventions and also images. 

In A2 we were required to produce a draft music video and also draft ancillary products. The same points above apply to the ancillary products. However I also chose to compare my ancillary products with my AS work to not only highlight my improvements in terms of using photoshop, but also to ensure I was carrying on the same theme from AS to A2 as I had chosen to continue using the same artist. Creating a draft music video was highly important as creating a video is a lot more advanced, so feedback was crucial. Also as being inexperienced in video production and also photoshop, I chose to create drafts and practice with using a camera, taking photos, filming, using photoshop, and editing software to ensure I was better prepared when creating the final products.

Gaining Audience Feedback.

In both years it was required to leave feedback on draft products and Blogger had the advantage of allowing comments to be put on certain posts, therefore made it easier for comments to be specific and direct. As well as this I made use of popular social technologies such as Twitter and Facebook where friends were able to give opinions. Teacher feedback was consistence through both projects allowing me to develop and improve continuously. 

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