Thursday 29 March 2012

Exam Questions

Exam questions

'Postmodern media manipulates time and space". To what extent does this definition apply to texts you have studied? (50 marks)

Define postmodern media, with examples. (50 marks)

  • Comment on how postmodernism may change in the future. Refer to theory and apply simply.
  • Relate to postmodern theory, then express it. - Homage, pastiche, intertextuality.
  • 'Each member of an audience have different readings, all which are correct and the intended meaning by the producer is no longer significant' is Barthes 'Death of the Author' theory. Postmodernists do not construct texts for one meaning, they place more impact on how a text looks, than the meaning of it.
  • Drive feels like a dream and it is left open so that we construct our own meaning. (City with no people - in dreams there's little people as it's personal and our minds can't quite create that).
  • Binary opposites 'Good vs Evil'.
  • Drive links to Grand Theft Auto - Hyperreal - lack of music and people. - No presence of police. Location is dream like and empty - golden, yellow and orange lighting.
  • Lyotard's argument of 'the collapse of the grand narratives'. Traditional views held by traditional movement is now disappearing. Postmodernism often opposes ideas of Good vs Evil. For example there's fear in the film 'Saving Private Ryan'; however in 'Inglorious Basterds' there's no fear in anything they do.

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