Friday 20 January 2012

What is creativity?


Originality, imagination, inspiration, ingenuity, inventiveness, resourcefulness, creativeness, vision and innovation.

How I applied these words to both my AS and A2 coursework...

AS Magazine Coursework

My magazine is original in the context that 'I' created it; therefore it is my piece of work. Although there are some elements that can be related to magazines with the same genre I chose, these elements were inspiration and were not a direct copy. Elements such as the title, colour pallet, photos used, double page spread article are some that portray that I have been original.

Imagination is applied greatly to my AS coursework in terms of creating the idea and coming up with the features that make my magazine effective. This relates to the genre idea and the interview on the double page spread as some examples.
Inspiration helped in terms of forming ideas, creating an effective theme for the magazine, setting the layout with inspiration from other magazines, gathering ideas for effective photos and so on. Without inspiration it'd be difficult to create an effective magazine as you aren't getting any influence from others.

A2 Music Video Coursework

Using creativity created the idea for the project and also involved adapting to situations when a problem arises.
The main element of vision in the music video project is seeing the project from start to finish - creating an idea and making it work.

Overall, how creative do you feel you've been?
From AS to A2 I feel my creativity has been developed in terms of being able to expand my ideas and putting these into a project. In both years, by having a direct task set for us I felt gave me focus and a target. Expanding on this I was able to come up with ideas and then focus them all into working for one thing - a magazine. I feel having the target set, brought upon slight competitiveness as you were able to research similar magazines and aim to create something like them, but adjusted to my own idea. In turn, this helped to achieve my best ability. Through research of similar magazines and music videos I was able to copy and adjust ideas to form new ones. I have used other people's creativity to create the idea, and all the features with it - the artist, mise en scene as some examples; therefore in my opinion I am being creative myself. Through being creative I have planned a project from beginning to end and adapted to situations when a problem arises.

  • technology resources were limited
  • organising a date where all three of us were free
  • equipment
  • budget - in terms of booking a studio room
  • The artist Eve, who had to adapt to the role, learning the song and play a character that she is not used to.

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